Letting Go of Control While Building a Team with Tara Johnson


Letting Go of Control While Building a Team with Tara Johnson

Episode #27 is HERE and we have Tara Johnson of Alchemy Three joining me.  Hear how being a control freak SHOULD not stop you from growing your team.  Also, ways to overcome the need to control everything with a shift in mindset and delegation! 

Connect with Tara Johnson
Owner, Alchemy Three
Business: https://alchemythree.com/
Connect with her in the Alchemy Three Accelerator Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/alchemyaccelerator/

Grab your free Checklist here 

Connect with Jen in our Raney Day Biz Facebook group to grab the checklist: https://www.facebook.com/groups/raneydaytalksbiz/?ref=share

Thank you to our Sponsor

A huge thank you to Mark Levander of Mark Levander Productions for sponsoring season one of Raney Day Talks. It truly is because of Mark that we’re able to put these podcasts in our YouTube channel and a lot of our videos and load the animations together. So, if you’re interested in launching your own podcast or need work with photography or videography, please contact Mark at MarkLavanderProductions.com.

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